Highlights from our National Conference, Children's Service update and more
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  • Crynodeb o Gynhadledd Genedlaethol Gofal Cymdeithasol y flwyddyn hon 2021-  Y thema eleni oedd "Adfer a rhannu ffyrdd newydd o weithio". - Louise Sweeney

  • Araith Agoriadol gan ein Llywydd Jonathan Griffiths Gwyliwch yr araith agoriadol gan ein llywydd yng Nghynhadledd Genedlaethol Gofal Cymdeithasol 2021 eleni #NSCC21

  • Diweddariad Gwasanaeth Plant -Cadeirydd Penaethiaid Gwasanaethau Plant Cymru Gyfan (AWHOCS), Annabel Lloyd yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wasanaethau Plant

  • Diweddariad Cyflwyno Rhaglenni Grant Trawsnewid - Sarah Day

  • Trosolwg o flaenoriaethau strategol ADSS - Paul Pavia

  • Corff Llais y Dinesydd ar Gyfer Iechyd a Gofal - Jennie Callow
  • Summary of this year's National Social Care Conference 2021 -  This year's theme was of “Recovery and sharing new ways of working”. - Louise Sweeney

  • Highlights from the opening speech from our President Jonathan Griffiths - Watch the opening speech from our president at this year's National Social Care Conference 2021 #NSCC21

  • Children's Services Update - The chair of the All Wales Heads of Children's Services (AWHOCS), Annabel Lloyd provides an update on Child Services

  • Delivering Transformation Grant Update - Sarah Day

  • Overview of ADSS strategic priorities - Paul Pavia

  • The Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care - Jennie Callow       
Crynodeb o Gynhadledd Genedlaethol Gofal Cymdeithasol y flwyddyn hon 2021
Cynhaliwyd Cynhadledd Genedlaethol Gofal Cymdeithasol 2021 – a drefnwyd gan ADSS Cymru, ar-lein ar 17 a 18 Tachwedd. Canolbwyntiodd eleni ar y thema "Adfer a rhannu ffyrdd newydd o weithio". Noddwyd ein digwyddiad blynyddol eleni gan Innovate Services a Resource Stream, a denodd ymgysylltiad gan bob awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru.

Clywsom gan nifer o siaradwyr addysgiadol ac ysbrydoledig ar draws dau ddiwrnod y gynhadledd a oedd naill ai wedi bod yn rhan o ddatblygu ffyrdd newydd o weithio – fel Dr Bnar Talabani, arloeswr wrth ymgysylltu â chymunedau amrywiol a sicrhau bod gwybodaeth gywir ar gael i bawb, a siaradodd am ei phrofiadau ei hun o ddatblygu dulliau cyfathrebu newydd; Dr Karen Sankey a Lucy Powell, a siaradodd yn angerddol am Ddatblygu Model Lles Cymunedol ar gyfer dyfodol Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Integredig; a Nick Andrew, o Brifysgol Abertawe, sy'n arwain ar gyd-ddylunio set o egwyddorion ar gyfer seibiant ystyrlon – neu'r rhai a brofodd eu canlyniadau cadarnhaol eu hunain – gan gynnwys Karen Darke, enillydd medal Aur Paralympaidd ac enghraifft ddisglair o ragori ar disgwyliadau a goresgyn adfyd corfforol eithafol.

Rhannwyd diwrnod cyntaf y gynhadledd yn dair ffrwd seminar, a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar faes allweddol - Gwasanaethau Plant, Gwasanaethau Oedolion ac Integreiddio. Cynhaliwyd y prif sesiynau llawn y diwrnod canlynol, a chafodd y rhai a oedd yn bresennol gyfle hefyd i glywed gan ddarparwyr allweddol i'r sector, gyda TCTC (Y Consortiwm Cymunedau Therapiwtig), HAS Technology, Tech Cymru a'r Corff Llais Dinasyddion yn arddangos eu gwasanaethau a'u cynnyrch.

Cafodd y cyfleoedd cynnwys, dysgu a rhwydweithio a gynigir gan y gynhadledd lawer o adborth cadarnhaol, a bydd ADSS Cymru yn ceisio adeiladu ar hyn gyda chynlluniau eisoes ar y gweill ar gyfer Seminar y Gwanwyn y flwyddyn nesaf a NSCC2022 yr Hydref nesaf. Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn uchafbwyntiau yn y calendr ar gyfer arweinwyr gofal cymdeithasol yn ogystal â phartneriaid allweddol eraill ar draws gofal cymdeithasol ac iechyd, ac mae Uned Fusnes ADSS Cymru yn gobeithio gallu dod ag ymagwedd hybrid at y ddau ddigwyddiad hyn y flwyddyn nesaf.

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn llunio uchafbwyntiau'r gynhadledd eleni, gellir gweld rhagolwg o ddwy o'n sesiynau noddi drwy'r we gyswllt isod:

Summary of this year's National Social Care Conference 2021

The National Social Care Conference 2021 – organised by ADSS Cymru, took place online on the 17th and 18th November. This year, it focused on the theme of “Recovery and sharing new ways of working”. We are very grateful to Innovate Services and Resource Stream who sponsored the event, which attracted engagement from colleagues from all parts of the sector, across Wales.

The first day of the conference was divided into three seminar streams, which each focused on key areas of practice - Children's Services, Adult Services, and Integration. Main plenary sessions were held the following day, and attendees also had the opportunity to hear from industry providers, including TCTC (The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities), HAS Technology, Tech Cymru who had the opportunity to showcase their services and products.

We heard from numerous informative and inspirational speakers. Dr Karen Sankey and Lucy Powell,  spoke passionately about Developing a Community Wellness Model for the future of Integrated Health & Social Care. Dr Bnar Talabani, a pioneer in engaging with diverse communities who works to ensure accurate information is available to all, spoke of her own experiences with developing new methods of communication through the use of social media. Nick Andrews, from Swansea University, gave an insight into his work on the co-design of a set a of principles for meaningful respite for Unpaid Carers.  We also heard from people who had experienced their own positive outcomes, including Karen Darke, a Paralympian Gold medallist, and a shining example of defying expectations and overcoming extreme physical adversity.

The programme content, learning and networking opportunities offered by the conference received much positive feedback, and ADSS Cymru look forward to building on this with plans already underway for next year’s Spring Seminar and NSCC-22, next Autumn. These events are highlights in the calendar for social care leaders as well as other key partners across social care and health. Next year, the ADSS Cymru Business Unit hope to be able to bring a hybrid approach to both these events, so please keep an eye out for further information in the new year.

We are currently compiling highlights from this year’s conference, a sneak preview from two of our sponsor sessions can be viewed via the link below:

Louise Sweeney - ADSS Cymru Business Unit
Cyflwyniad Anerchiad Agoriadol gan ein Llywydd Jonathan Griffiths yng Nghynhadledd Genedlaethol Gofal Cymdeithasol 2021 eleni.

Gwyliwch uchafbwyntiau araith agoriadol ein Llywydd a gynhaliwyd ar 17 a 18 Tachwedd

Opening Address from our President Jonathan Griffiths at this year's National Social Care Conference 2021.

Watch the highlights from our President's opening speech which took place on the 17 and 18 November.

Jonathan Griffiths - ADSS Cymru President

Diweddariad AWHOCS
Mae tymor yr Hydref wedi dod â nifer o geisiadau gydag ef a chynnydd yn y pwysau ar Wasanaethau Plant yng Nghymru. Mae wedi bod yn bleser enfawr gweithio gyda chyd-Benaethiaid Gwasanaeth sydd wedi dysgu cymaint i mi... ac yn aml yn fy nghadw i'n gwenu hefyd!

Mae Penaethiaid Gwasanaethau Plant wedi gweithio'n dda gyda'i gilydd, gan fanteisio'n aml ar botensial siarad ag un llais, a hefyd ymuno ag eraill fel ADSS Cymru, Cymdeithas Cyfarwyddwyr Addysg a Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru.  

Wedi ein hysgogi a'n cymell gan ein gweithlu ysbrydoledig, gofalwyr rhagorol a phobl ifanc a theuluoedd anhygoel, mae Penaethiaid Gwasanaethau Plant wedi datblygu'r canlynol, bob amser gyda'r amcan unigol o wella canlyniadau i blant dan sylw:

  • Cwblhau'r Datganiad Sefyllfa sy'n gwneud yn glir ein bwriad i gefnogi arferion sy'n seiliedig ar gryfderau sydd wedi'u gwreiddio yn hawliau pobl, a mynd i'r afael â'r problemau mwyaf megis digonolrwydd lleoliadau, a chael mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl i blant ag anghenion cymhleth. Rydym hefyd yn bwriadu gwneud y mwyaf o fudd ein modelau cydweithio ar gyfer mabwysiadu, maethu a chomisiynu
  • Hefyd yng nghyd-destun datganiad sefyllfa, mae AWHOCS wedi datblygu dogfen sy'n egluro ein hymrwymiad i ffrwd waith Llywodraeth Cymru sydd â'r nod o gael gwared ar elw, ond ar yr un pryd rydym wedi cofnodi ein cyngor am yr angen i gyflymu'r newid mewn ffordd sy'n sicrhau y gellir osgoi tarfu ar bobl ifanc a chyflenwi lleoliadau newydd y mae mawr eu hangen
  • Rydym wedi codi ymwybyddiaeth am ein barn gref, y dylai pobl ifanc sy'n cael eu haddysgu gartref gael eu gweld gan weithiwr proffesiynol annibynnol
  • Rydym wedi gweithio gyda Rhwydwaith Iechyd Meddwl y GIG i ddarparu casgliad o astudiaethau achos sy'n dangos heriau parhaus o ran cyflawni dulliau integredig gyda CAMHS wrth ddiwallu'r angen i blant ag anghenion cymhleth
  • Mae AWHOCS hefyd wedi cofnodi cyfres o egwyddorion i lywio addasiadau i wasanaethau sydd, yn anffodus , wedi dod yn angenrheidiol mewn nifer o Awdurdodau Lleol yng nghyd-destun cynyddu heriau recriwtio a chadw
  • Yn fwyaf diweddar, mae AWHOCS wedi gweithio i baratoi ar gyfer trosglwyddo pobl ifanc sy’n ceisio lloches ar eu pen eu hunain fel rhan o Gynllun Gorfodol y Swyddfa Gartref

Meddyliwch am sut i sicrhau cyflymder mwy graddol yn 2022 os gwelwch yn dda ... tan hynny mwynhewch ychydig o amser i ymlacio dros y gwyliau banc sydd i ddod.

Annabel Lloyd - AWHOCS

Chair of Children's Services (AWHOCS) Update
The chair of the All Wales Heads of Children's Services (AWHOCS), Annabel Lloyd provides an update on Child Services.

The Autumn season has brought with it a flurry of requests and an escalation of pressures for Children’s Services in Wales. It has been an enormous pleasure to work with colleague Heads of Service who have taught me so much…and often kept me smiling too! Heads of Children’s Services have worked well together, often harnessing the potential of speak with one voice, and joining forces with other members of ADSS Cymru, Association of Directors of Education and Welsh Local Government Association.  

Buoyed up and motivated by our inspirational workforce, outstanding carers and amazing young people and families, Heads of Children’s Services have developed the following, always with the singular objective of improving outcomes for children in our mind:

  • Finalisation of the Position Statement that makes clear our intent to support strength-based practice rooted in people’s rights, and tackle the greatest problems   such as placement sufficiency, and accessing mental health services for children with complex needs. We also intend to maximize the benefit of our collaborative working models for adoption, fostering and commissioning
  • Also in the context of a position statement, AWHOCS have developed a document that makes clear our commitment to the Welsh Government work stream aimed at removing profit, but at the same time we have recorded our advice about the need to pace the change in a way that  ensures avoidance of   disruption to young people and supply of greatly needed new placements.
  • We have raised awareness about our strongly held view, that young people who are educated at home should be seen by independent professionals.
  • We have worked with NHS Mental Health Network in providing a collation of case studies that evidence continuing challenges in in achieving integrated approaches with CAMHS in meeting need for children with complex needs
  • AWHOCS have also documented a set of principles to guide adjustments to services that have sadly become necessary in a number of Local Authorities in the context of increasing recruitment and retention challenges
  • Most recently AWHOCS have worked to prepare for transfer of unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people as part of the Home Office Mandated Scheme.

All thoughts about how to ensure a steadier pace in 2022 on a post card please … until then enjoy a little down time over the forthcoming bank holidays.

Annabel Lloyd - AWHOCS
Y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am brosiectau Cyflawni Trawsnewid

Gofynnodd Cyfarwyddiaeth Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ac Integreiddio Llywodraeth Cymru, fel rhan o'r Grant Cyflawni Trawsnewid, fod ADSS Cymru yn ymgymryd â dau ddarn o waith yn 2021/22 gyda'r nod o wella gwasanaethau ar gyfer grwpiau penodol o bobl. Fel rhan o'u contract i gyflawni eu contract i ddarparu gwasanaethau'r Uned Fusnes, mae Practice Solutions yn rheoli ac yn cydlynu'r gwaith hwn ar ran ADSS Cymru. Mae Fon Roberts, Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Ynys Môn, yn goruchwylio'r rhaglen waith hon ac yn adrodd ar gynnydd i Grŵp Arweinyddiaeth ADSS Cymru.

Ffrwd waith 1
Nod y darn hwn o waith oedd casglu tystiolaeth a gwerthuso effaith pandemig y Coronafeirws (COVID-19) ar amrywiaeth o bobl sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau gofal dydd, seibiant ac aros dros nos, eu teuluoedd, a gofalwyr di-dâl. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys casglu gwybodaeth gan:

  • sefydliadau comisiynu ar y newidiadau y cawsant eu gorfodi i'w gwneud
  • darparwyr gwasanaethau ar effaith y newidiadau hy
  • sampl o bobl sy'n defnyddio'r gwasanaethau, eu teuluoedd, a gofalwyr di-dâl ar eu boddhad â'r modd y gwnaed y newidiadau a'r effaith ar eu lles

Ac ystyried unrhyw arfer gorau neu ddatblygiadau arloesol wrth ddarparu'r gwasanaethau hyn y gellid eu

Amlinellodd yr adroddiad a gyflwynwyd i Lywodraeth Cymru nifer o ganfyddiadau allweddol, yn gadarnhaol ac yn negyddol a gwneud argymhellion ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru, Awdurdodau Lleol a Byrddau Iechyd.

Gellir gweld yr adroddiad terfynol a'r fersiwn Hawdd ei Ddeall yn

Ffrwd waith 2

Mae'r gwaith hwn yn parhau, gyda'r nod o nodi:

  • a yw pobl o gymunedau Pobl Dduon, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig yn cael gofal a chymorth pan fydd ganddynt angen adnabyddadwy neu wedi'i asesu ac a oes unrhyw ddata’n cael ei gasglu ar y rhai sy'n cael cymorth?
  • y rhwystrau a'r heriau i bobl sy'n cael mynediad at ofal a chymorth, ac yn arbennig effaith Covid-19 ar lefelau hyder ac ymgysylltiad
  • y rhwydwaith cymorth anffurfiol a ddarperir gan ofalwyr teuluol/cyfeillgarwch, a sut y cefnogir y rhwydwaith hwn ei hun.
  • pa gamau y gellid eu cymryd i gynyddu nifer y bobl sy'n cael gofal a chymorth ac os oes unrhyw feysydd o arfer gorau o ran gwella mynediad a phrofiad pobl dduon, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig o ofal cymdeithasol.

Beth sydd wedi'i wneud hyd yn hyn?

  • Paratowyd adolygiad llenyddiaeth drafft a'i rannu gyda'r Grŵp Arweinyddiaeth ar gyfer sylwadau
  • Mae pob Awdurdod Lleol wedi cael cyfle i gyfrannu at y cam casglu data drwy gyswllt wedi’i enwebu
  • Cynhaliwyd sgyrsiau gydag 17 o Awdurdodau a rhannwyd gwybodaeth am arfer da, rhwystrau a heriau o ran darparu gofal cymdeithasol.
  • paratowyd papur cryno yn amlinellu canfyddiadau'r sgyrsiau hyn a'i ddosbarthu i Gyfarwyddwyr
  • cynhaliwyd cyfarfodydd gyda Mentoriaid/Eiriolwyr Cymunedol ac maen nhw wedi darparu gwybodaeth i helpu i gwmpasu cam 2 y prosiect
  • ymgysylltu â sefydliadau sy'n cefnogi pobl sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau neu a allai ddefnyddio gwasanaethau o bosibl
  • paratowyd crynodeb o'r wybodaeth a gasglwyd ac fe'i defnyddiwyd i lywio'r dulliau ymgysylltu gorau i gyflawni canlyniadau'r prosiect.
  • gan ystyried yr adborth a'r canfyddiadau o gam casglu data'r prosiect, mae cam ymgysylltu'r prosiect wedi'i gwmpasu
  • mae ymchwil wedi darparu cronfa ddata o randdeiliaid o sefydliadau sy'n cefnogi pobl o Gymunedau Pobl Dduon, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig gyda dros 50 o sefydliadau wedi'u cynnwys a chynhelir sgyrsiau lled-strwythuredig un-i-un gyda chynrychiolwyr.

Mae'r Prosiect ar y trywydd iawn i'w gwblhau ym mis Mawrth 2022 ac os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ag Arweinydd y Prosiect Nicki Harrison

Sarah Day - ADSS Business Unit

Update on Delivering Transformation projects

The Welsh Government’s Social Service and Integration Directorate requested that, as part of the Delivering Transformation Grant, ADSS Cymru undertake two pieces of work in 2021/22 aimed at improving services for specified groups of people. As part of their contract to deliver their contract to deliver Business Unit services, Practice Solutions manage and coordinate this work on behalf of ADSS Cymru. Fon Roberts, Director of Social Services for Ynys Mon, oversees this programme of work and reports on progress to the ADSS Cymru Leadership Group.

Workstream 1
The aim of this piece of work was to gather evidence and evaluate the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on a range of people who use day care, respite and overnight stay services, their families, and unpaid carers. This involved gathering information from:

  • commissioning organisations on the changes they were forced to make
  • service providers on the impact of these changes
  • a sample of people who use the services, their families, and unpaid carers on their satisfaction with the manner in which the changes were made and the impact on their wellbeing

and considering any best practice or innovations in the provision of these services that could be shared.

The report submitted to Welsh Government outlined a number of key findings, both positive and negative and made recommendations for Welsh Government, Local Authorities and Health Boards.

Workstream 2

This work is still ongoing, with the aim of identifying:

  • whether people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities access care and support when they have an identifiable or assessed need and if any data collected on those accessing support?
  • the barriers and challenges to people accessing care and support, and in particular the impact of Covid-19 on levels of confidence and engagement
  • the informal support network provided by family/friendship carers, and how this network is itself supported.
  • what steps could be taken to increase the number of people accessing care and support and if there are any areas of best practice with regards to improving Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic peoples’ access and experience of social care.

What has been done so far?

  • a draft literature review has been prepared and shared with the Leadership Group for comments
  • each Local Authority has been given the opportunity to contribute to the data gathering phase through a nominated contact
  • conversations have been held with 17 Authorities and information shared on good practice, barriers and challenges in terms of social care provision.
  • a Summary paper has been prepared outlining the findings from these conversations and circulated to Director
  • meetings have been held with Community Mentors/ Advocates and they have provided information to assist with the scoping of phase 2 of the project
  • engagement with organisations who support people who use services or who could potentially use services
  • a summary of the information gathered has been prepared and has been used to inform the best methods of engagement to deliver the outcomes of the project.
  • taking account of the feedback and findings from the data gathering phase of the project, the engagement phase of the project has been scoped
  • research has provided a database of stakeholders from organisations supporting people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities with over 50 organisations included and one-to-one semi structured conversations with representatives will be held.

The Project is on course for completion in March 2022 and if you wish to find out more please contact the Project Lead Nicki Harrison

Sarah Day - ADSS Business Unit
Trosolwg o flaenoriaethau strategol ADSS

Yr egwyddorion ymarfer sy'n graidd i ofal sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, yn seiliedig ar le, yw conglfeini ein blaenoriaethau strategol, ac rydym yn parhau i wneud cynnydd yn y maes.

Ein prif flaenoriaeth o hyd yw'r gweithlu - ei wytnwch a'i les. Mae cryn dipyn o waith wedi bod yn digwydd dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, trwy'r Grŵp Gweithlu ADSS, i greu'r gweithlu hwnnw yn y tymor byr. Rydym am sicrhau bod gan yr holl staff fynediad at raglenni lles gweithwyr a'u bod yn cael cefnogaeth dosturiol gan arweinwyr sy'n dangos empathi, gofal a dealltwriaeth. Rydym wedi bod yn cydweithio â phartneriaid fel Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru a CLlLC ar faterion sy'n ymwneud â recriwtio a chadw staff, gan gyflwyno tystiolaeth ar fodelau i gynyddu cyflog a chymhellion, tra bod cynlluniau manylach yn cael eu cwblhau i sicrhau cynaliadwyedd yn y tymor hir.

Rydym hefyd yn cymryd camau breision yn ein tri maes blaenoriaeth arall. Mae gennym gyfarwyddwyr arweiniol ar waith i symud pob un o'r camau yn y meysydd hynny yn eu blaenau ac maent yn gweithio gyda phenaethiaid gwasanaethau a rheolwyr haen tri fel tîm i ddatrys yr heriau hynny:

  • Y Dirprwy Lywydd Ali Bulman a'i thîm yn gweithio ar ddatganiad sefyllfa ar sail tystiolaeth ar gyfer Gofal Parhaus a GIP - her sylweddol y mae'n rhaid mynd i'r afael â hi ar frys.
  • Mae Jake Morgan ac Annabel Lloyd wedi cynhyrchu papur sefyllfa ar Addysg Ddewisol yn y Cartref, sydd wedi’i rannu â Gweinidogion Cymru a swyddogion, yn ogystal â’r Comisiynydd Plant.
  • Mae Fon Roberts a'i dîm yn parhau i arwain ar ffrydiau gwaith RhGT, gan edrych ar effaith COVID ar ofal dydd a gwasanaethau seibiant, ynghyd ag archwilio'r rhwystrau y mae Grwpiau Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig yn eu hwynebu wrth gyrchu gofal cymdeithasol.
  • Mae Jonathan Griffiths yn gweithio gyda Dylan Owen ac Aled Davies ar arloesi digidol yn y sector.
  • Mae Neil Ayling yn gweithio gyda Claire Higgins ar yr agenda ail-gydbwyso gofal.

Ac mae hynny heb sôn am y swm sylweddol o waith arall sy'n digwydd ar lefel genedlaethol, ynghylch comisiynu, datblygu papur sefyllfa ar ddiwygio'r farchnad gofal plant, gwella mynediad at wasanaethau yn y Gymraeg ac atgyfnerthu ein dylanwad ar gynigion ymchwil gofal cymdeithasol ym mhrifysgolion Cymru.

Byddwn yn parhau i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r aelodau am y cynnydd yn y flwyddyn newydd.

Paul Pavia - ADSS Business Unit
Overview of ADSS strategic priorities

The core practice principles of person-centred, placed-based care are the corner stones of our strategic priorities, which we continue to make progress on.

Our number one priority continues to be the workforce – its resilience and well-being. Considerable work has been happening over the past few months, through the ADSS Workforce Group, to shore-up that workforce in the short-term. We want to ensure all staff have access to employee well-being programmes and that they are being compassionately supported by leaders who demonstrate empathy, care and understanding. We have been collaborating with partners like Social Care Wales and the WLGA on issues regarding recruitment and retention, presenting evidence on models to increase pay and incentives, while more detailed plans are being finalised to ensure long-term sustainability.

We are also making great strides in our three other priority areas. We have director leads in place to take forward each of the actions within those areas and they are working with heads of services and tier three managers as a team to proactively solve those challenges:

  • Deputy President Ali Bulman and her team are working on an evidence-base position statement for Continuing Care and CHC – a significant challenge that must be tackled as a matter of urgency.
  • Jake Morgan and Annabel Lloyd have produced a position paper on Elective Home Education, which has been shared with Welsh Ministers and officials, as well as the Children’s Commissioner.
  • Fon Roberts and his team continue to lead on the DTG workstreams, looking at the impact of COVID on day care and respite services, as well as examining the barriers that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups experience in accessing social care.
  • Jonathan Griffiths is working with Dylan Owen and Aled Davies on digital innovation in the sector.
  • Neil Ayling is working with Claire Higgins on the rebalancing of care agenda.

That’s not to mention the considerable amount of other work that is happening on a national level, around commissioning, developing a position paper on children’s care market reform, improving access to services in the Welsh language and strengthening our influence on social care research proposals within Welsh universities.

We will continue to keep members updated on progress in the new year.

Paul Pavia - ADSS Cymru Business Unit

Corff Llais y Dinesydd ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

Yng Nghynhadledd Genedlaethol Gofal Cymdeithasol (NGGC) 2021, rhoddodd Llywodraeth Cymru drosolwg o Ddeddf Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol (Ansawdd ac Ymgysylltu) (Cymru) 2020.

Bydd Rhan 4 o’r Ddeddf yn creu corff annibynnol, sengl i geisio barn a chynrychioli buddiannau’r cyhoedd ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Bydd Corff Llais y Dinesydd (‘CVB’) yn disodli Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned pan fydd yn cael ei sefydlu fel Corff a Noddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru – gyda Bwrdd, staff ac aelodau gwirfoddol – yn 2023.

Dyma brif nodau CVB:

  • cryfhau llais y dinesydd ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, gan amlygu’r hyn sydd bwysicaf i bobl, ym mhob rhan o Gymru;
  • creu proffil cyhoeddus uchel gyda seilwaith digidol a model ymgysylltu er mwyn casglu ac adlewyrchu barn amrywiol;  
  • ehangu cyngor a chymorth i unigolion wrth ystyried neu wneud mathau penodol o gŵyn; a
  • helpu i integreiddio gwasanaethau, gan weithredu’n lleol, yn rhanbarthol ac yn genedlaethol i gyfoethogi dysgu yn sgil profiadau byw o ofal a chymorth.

Bydd angen iddo godi ymwybyddiaeth o’i wasanaethau, ei weithgareddau a'i effaith; bod ar gael yn uniongyrchol i unigolion a gofalwyr di-dâl; gweithio'n effeithiol ar draws lleoliadau a sectorau; a chymryd rhan yn y gwaith o ddylunio, cynllunio ac adolygu gwasanaethau. Bydd yn ymgynghori'n eang ar ei flaenoriaethau blynyddol, gan gyhoeddi cynllun ac adroddiad blynyddol.

Bydd angen i gyrff y GIG ac awdurdodau lleol godi ymwybyddiaeth o CVB hefyd; darparu gwybodaeth y gallai ofyn yn rhesymol amdani; a rhoi sylw i sylwadau a gyflwynir iddynt gan CVB – am unrhyw fater yn ymwneud ag iechyd neu wasanaethau cymdeithasol, yn seiliedig ar farn y cyhoedd. Bydd cod ymarfer ar fynediad i safleoedd, y mae’n rhaid i CVB, y GIG ac awdurdodau lleol roi sylw iddo, yn cael ei ddatblygu. Bydd sut y mae hyn yn ymwneud â gwasanaethau wedi’u comisiynu yn rhan o’r ymgynghoriad.

Amlygodd y cyflwyniad sut y bydd CVB:

  • yn gorfod llywio a meithrin perthnasoedd effeithiol ar draws gofal cymdeithasol – gan gynnwys gydag aelodau etholedig, Byrddau Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol, Paneli Dinasyddion, y Trydydd Sector, darparwyr gwasanaeth, comisiynwyr ac arolygiaethau;
  • yn gallu cefnogi awdurdodau lleol, Byrddau Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol a darparwyr gwasanaeth yn eu gofynion presennol i gynnwys pobl a pheri i eraill gymryd rhan yn y gwaith o ddylunio, cynllunio, monitro ac adolygu gwasanaethau; ac
  • fel adnodd Cymru gyfan, yn ategu darpariaeth cyngor a chymorth ar gyfer cwynion (ac eithrio lle mae gan blant a phobl ifanc hawliau presennol i eiriolaeth).

Mae llawer o bethau i’w hystyried. Mae rhaglen i sefydlu ac integreiddio CVB yn mynd rhagddi, gyda rhagor o fanylion i ddilyn yn y Flwyddyn Newydd. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys penodiad cyhoeddus aelodau Bwrdd CVB a chynlluniau er mwyn peri i bartneriaid cyhoeddus, partneriaid annibynnol a phartneriaid yn y sector gwirfoddol gymryd yn y gwaith hwn, gan helpu i lunio’r corff newydd. Gallwch gadw mewn cysylltiad drwy:

The Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care

At the NSCC 2021, Welsh Government gave an overview of the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020.

Part 4 of the Act will create a single, independent body to seek the views and represent the interests of the public in health and social care.  The Citizen Voice Body (‘CVB’) will replace Community Health Councils when established as a Welsh Government Sponsored Body – with a Board, staff and volunteer membership – in 2023. 

The CVB’s main aims:

  • strengthen citizen voice in health and social care, highlighting what matters most to people, in all parts of Wales;
  • create a high public profile with digital infrastructure and engagement model to capture and reflect a diverse range of views;
  • enhance advice and assistance for individuals when considering or making certain types of complaint; and
  • support integration of services, operating locally, regionally and nationally to enrich learning from lived-experiences of care and support.   

It will need to promote awareness of its services, activities and impact; be directly accessible to individuals and un-paid carers; work effectively across sectors and settings; and be involved in the design, planning and review of services. It will consult widely on its annual priorities, publishing a plan and annual report.

NHS bodies and local authorities will also need to promote awareness of the CVB; supply information it reasonably requests; and have regard to representations made to them by the CVB – about any matter related to health or social services, based on the views of the public.  A code of practice on access to premises, to which the CVB, NHS and local authorities must all have regard, will be developed. How this relates to commissioned services will be part of the consultation.

The presentation highlighted how the CVB:
  • must navigate and grow effective relationships across social care – including with elected members, RPBs, Citizen Panels, Third Sector, service providers, commissioners and inspectorates;
  • can support local authorities, RPBs and service providers in their existing requirements to involve people and engage others in the design, planning, monitoring and review of services; and
  • as an all-Wales resource, will supplement provision of advice and assistance for complaints (except where children and young people have existing rights to advocacy).

There is a lot to be worked through.  A programme to establish and integrate the CVB is getting underway, with further detail to follow in the New Year.  This will include public appointment of members of the CVB Board and plans to engage public, independent and voluntary sector partners in this work, helping to shape the new body.  You can keep in touch at:

Jennie Callow, Welsh Government    

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